From the Connor Family to You

Fellow parents, friends, family and visitors to Cooper's site:

As many of you know, our son Cooper was a fighter who showed amazing courage in the face of extreme physical pain and adversity. He was never sad; his heart beat to the pure drum of innocence and happiness. Cooper wore his little smile like a habit and loved anyone whom he came to know. And once he loved you, the joy in his eyes was limitless.

We had many questions about his treatment and were met with wonderful help and answers at Children's Mercy Hospital. We learned first-hand that there is still so much to be done in the name of Pulmonary Research among children. Thankfully there are doctors and researchers in our local medical community that agree and we applaud their efforts.

With the leadership of Dr. Truog, we believe that continued research into Infant Lung Disease and Pulmonary Disorders will bring much-needed information to other families coping with the difficult to diagnose and devastating effects of these disorders in new-born children. Our ultimate goal is to help Children's Mercy Hospital discover pioneering new treatments and therapies to bring relief to children affected by these diseases.

Children's Mercy Hospital is the perfect place for this type of bold research initiative. Their staff and facilities are among the best in the country. Because extensive travel for premature infants and those with chronic lung disease can be extremely challenging, the centrally-located Center for Infant Pulmonary Disorders at Children's Mercy in Kansas City will make travel from every state in the United States and beyond a true possibility for many families in need.

We hope you will visit the site to find out more about fundraising events, research progress, register for updates and more. We will continue to add new and interesting areas to the web site as we grow, and we hope you will grow with us.

Cooper's spirit has been an inspiration to us all, and he continues to inspire us to work to bring relief to the many other infants and children that suffer from these devastating infant pulmonary disorders.

With all our love,
Blish, Michael, Truman & Snowden Connor
July 2008